A Day in My Life | February Edition

I know I’ve been a little quiet on the blog the last few months. Ok…completely MIA. I admit it! My family has some big changes coming in April and I’ve been taking it kind of easy with client work. We’re expecting our second baby boy April 22nd and we’re finally in the home stretch. I have still been shooting my little guy when I’ve felt up to it. Boy is it rough being preggo and chasing around a 2 year old (oops, 3 year old as of yesterday!). So I knew when a few other talented ladies I know were doing a day in the life challenge I wanted to join in. I needed the push to get out my camera. I have only done this once before as a creativity challenge,  it’s a great way to play with different lighting situations and to look for the details around you. (If you’re interested in seeing the results of that day click here to see my featured images on the Clickin Moms blog.)

The weather has been so crazy here on the East Coast this year. We never know if it’s going to be a snow boots or a flip flop kind of day. Luckily, this past weekend was beautiful here in Charlotte, 74 degrees! Not only was it amazing outside but my hubby was actually home to enjoy it with us. We had a pretty eventful day on Sunday, not our typical day but it was so great to enjoy time with my boys. It was a perfect day to take my camera everywhere with me. I got completely carried away (as usual) and couldn’t decide which of the 300 pictures to share. Hopefully I will be able to take on this challenge again in the future. Be sure to check out the very talented Katie Woodard Photography’s blog post here, to see a peek into a day in the life with her family.

Without further ado, here is a little peek into our life.






Erin Konrath - BEAUTIFUL Nikki! Loved seeing your day! Gorgeous colors and your little one is precious.

KatieW - Nicole you are so cute with your big belly! I’m so glad we all did this together. I love flying Superman! It is so great that you captured these special days before you became a bigger family. Can’t wait to do this again with you soon!

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