Peter Pan + Pixie Dust | Charlotte Children’s Photographer

I’m sharing a personal session I did with A last week.  It’s not exactly what I had envisioned going into it but I LOVE the outcome.  I’ve always wanted to try one of those beautiful girly glitter blowing images but being that I only have boys it seemed like it wasn’t in the cards for me.  So after much thought, and influence from my 3 year old muse, it hit me.  One of his favorite things to do right now is play dress up.  He loves all things super heroes and pirates.  He also really loves Peter Pan at the moment.  So I thought why not do something with Peter Pan and pixie dust.  I think it’s really important for photos to capture something personal about your subject, so I love incorporating the things he’s into at the moment into the photos I take of him.  So after many many many attempts with the “pixie dust” these magical shots happened…


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